Butox® Vet
Butox® Vet
Each ml contains Deltamethrin 12.5 mg. It is highly effective ectoparasitiside ideally suited for control of ticks, mites, lice and flies of livestock, dogs and farm houses.
Each ml of Butox® Vet contains:
Deltamethrin IP: 12.5 mg
Solvent and Emulsifiers q.s.
Indications for use:
For prevention and control of ectoparasitic infestations in Cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, camels, horses, dogs, and pigs.
Protect from light. Keep at ambient temperature. Avoid any source of ignition. Keep away from heat
Bottle of 5ml, 15 ml, 50 ml, 250 ml and 1 L